Groupe Français d’Education Nouvelle (english version)
A Movement in HistoryThe new education prepares the child, not only the future citizen capable of fulfilling his duties to…

Office Central de la Coopération à l’Ecole (english version)
Cooperate to learn and act together! An educational movement at the service of school cooperatives, The Central Office for School…

Ligue de l’Enseignement (english version)
Founded in 1866, la Ligue de l’enseignement is one of France’s largest organisations in non-formal education. 1866 : Jean Macé,…

Les FRANCAS (english version)
The Fédération nationale des Francas propose innovative solutions in the domain of education and has lead significant collective mobilisation on…

Fédération Générale des Pupilles de l’Enseignement Public (english version)
Acting for an inclusive and supportive society Who are we? We are a network with more than 123 associations in…

Fédération des Etablissements Scolaires Publics Innovants (english version)
The federation of innovative public schools (La Federation des Établissements Scolaires Publics Innovants) exists since 2017. The FESPI combines seventeen…

CRAP – Cahiers Pédagogiques (english version)
A militant movement The aim of CRAP is to contribute to the evolution of education and training for a democratic…

CEMEA (english version)
The Ceméa are organised in national, European and international networks. Their project is based on the values of new/active education…

Education et Devenir (english version)
Who are we ? The association Education & Devenir (E&D), liaison, reflection and proposal groups is independent of any political party…