The federation of innovative public schools (La Federation des Établissements Scolaires Publics Innovants) exists since 2017. The FESPI combines seventeen innovative and experimental public schools for grades K-12  which do not operate under typical judicial statutes pour public education. Instead, they are experimental annexes of local public schools (Etablissements publique local d’enseignement), with the exception of the high-school LP2I (Lycée Pilote Innovant International), as well as two primary schools, Vitruve and Decroly. 

The innovations mobilized by these school revolve around unique projects, the faculty and staff work together to bring the project to life. Assembled, these schools defend, develop and promote innovative, alternative and/or experimental public education. The seventeen schools operate on three levels which are decidedly inseparable : pedagogy, school life, and school planning.

The objectives of the FESPI

  • To offer alternative forms of pedagogy, thereby contributing to the democratization of the educational institutes.
  • To permit schools the opportunity to self-rectify by offering to all students (especially troubled ones) a chance to pursue academic success.
  • To propose educational methods which permit access to skills that promote academic success for the entire student body.
  • To establish and mobilize practical techniques which enable collaboration among students, faculty and staff.
  • To favor learning processes and practical applications that help students become responsible citizens. 
  • To participate (through action as well as thoughtful consideration) in the evolution of the practice of teaching.
  • To participate in the creation and diffusion of alternative forms of pedagogy.

The action of the FESPI

The actions described below concern only those which are conducted by the FESPI on its own  or in collaboration with its partners. Before the creation of the FESPI in 2005, numerous schools  which would  become its center had already begun to invest in the propagation of their ideas for innovation by means of the diffusion of articles and the training of teachers in other public schools. The creation of the federation allowed to share and refine these ideas.

Multiple objectives were aimed for :

  • To respond to the training needs of schools across the country.
  • To respond to new constraints for schools by combining the expertise of different teams
  • To encourage teams to become involved in vocational training and collaborate.
  • To make available university resources with the help of researchers associated with public education.
  • To improve the skills used by teams in public teaching institutions with the help of university researchers.

Since its creation the FESPI has been engaged in training, supporting and promoting :

  • by taking part in different forms of training, conferences, symposiums and work shops.
  • by accompanying teams in their projects.

In 2018,  the FESPI was called to intervene on several occasions.

1. Accompaniment and support of members of the federation.

2. Promotion of innovation and training when requested.

3. Development of innovations with the FESPI or in conjunction with other associations in public education.

4. Communication with ministry of national education

5. Relations with researchers

  • Communication of information via websites
  • Brainstorming with the CAPE (Collectif des Associations Partenaires de l’Ecole).


The FESPI is both a network of professionals who share and analyze their practical skills, and anchor for teams in the field who struggle to be recognized by public institutions for their specificity.  The FESPI is partners with CARDIE (Conseil Académique en Recherche-développement, innovation et expérimentation), the ministry of national education, and researchers at a university level. Finally, the federation helps in the realization of new projects such as that of the new high school (Lycée de Tours).