A militant movement The aim of CRAP is to contribute to the evolution of education and training for a democratic society. The members are actors in the educational world, fro m kindergarten to university. | Actions CRAP publishes publications, in particular the magazine Cahiers pédagogiques, and runs a website. It organizes public meetings, symposia, training activities and summer meetings. |
A review Les Cahiers pédagogiques look for crossovers between accounts of practices and theoretical approaches, tools and devices for learning and research reports. Published since 1945, the journal has become a reference for pedagogues. | A website To disseminate ideas and actions, to promote and sell our publications, but also to give access to supplements to the magazine’s files, to news texts, to a daily press review. It is consulted by 8000 visitors per day. |
Everyday practices Developing skills to form active citizens; evaluating differently, in the service of learning; assuming educational authority, transmitting democratic values; acting as cultural mediators. | Political positions For a democratic, fair, efficient school. For a school that is everybody’s business, open to partnerships with popular education movements, parents and cultural actors. |
React and resist … to political decisions when they call into question the public service of education, to media simplisms, to conservatism of all kinds, to nostalgia for an idealised past. | Propose … by being a laboratory of ideas to monitor and accompany educational experiments and innovations, and to debate long-term perspectives. |
An associative functioning The orientations and decisions are taken by a Bureau and a Board of administrators. A general meeting of members is held once a year. A network of academic correspondents animates the local activities of CRAP-Cahiers pédagogiques. | Professional management The CRAP-Cahiers pédagogiques is also a structure of seven employees who ensure the publishing of magazine and website, the management of subscriptions and orders to the issue, the daily operation of the association; among them, two teachers on secondment. |
Asking questions Distrustful of slogans, refusing dogmas and obligatory references, we are open to all debates, attentive to the margins of manoeuvre for tomorrow as well as to new utopias for the future. | Sharing values The educability of all, throughout life; cooperation and solidarity in learning as well as in living together; equal consideration for all cultures, promotion of cultural openness. |
Independence We defend our autonomy of thought and action with regard to unions and parties as well as the institution. | Openness We take part in collectives, with various partners, educational movements, unions, parents’ associations, etc. |

18 février 2020
Comments by jlcazaillon